am looking at buying the eurovox ex7000+hd box, but am worried the amount off people tht are saying there eurovox box is now useless, am in scotland and with vir*in m*dia, i hear alot off people talk bot negra 2 or something but ive no idea, plz help, ps i already have an older eurovox and works perfect
the eurovox will work in Scotland and no, N2 doesnt effect you, flash the box with the last good firmware for the UK can be found in this thread and follow the flash guides
thanks, will it not effect scotland ever? ive read alot about the ex7000hd box and its says it has a a harddrive but the places ive been looking to buy dont mention anything bot a harddrive included in the price, do u no anywhere tht sells it with the harddrive thanks mate
no mention of nagra transistion for scotland. Are you not getting boxs mixed up mate? the PVR is the EX5100 from eurovox, the EX7000HD is a standalone HD box,