I have no idea what I am doing can someone help with either of these problems:- 1. I have converted the files to DVD format so I have Video TS and Audio TS files, but I can't get IMGBurn to burn more than 1 onto a Disk. Space is not the issue as each file is only 1.5GB, but it will not allow me to select more than 1 Video TS file per disk. Any idea? 2. Probably easier this one - how do I put a Title page one the disk? Any help gratefully received. Thanks.
I'm unclear as to the problem. A DVD contains two folders. The AUDIO_TS folder is empty. The VIDEO_TS folder contains VTS, IFO and BUP files. Imgburn writes both folders to the disk. Whatever is in the folders goes too. http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/burn_dvd_folder_imgburn.cfm
Sorry should have been clearer. I can burn the disk with one Audio TS file and one Video TS file. The problem is when I have space on the disk to burn two pairs of Video TS and Audio TS files, but IMGBurn will not let me add the second Video TS file?
You can only have one of each VIDEO_TS and AUDI0_TS folder on the DVD disk. If you want multiple titles on the disk, your DVD Authoring program (not the burning program) can set that up with a menu to select between them.