Just geting into dvd burning, and i'm sure people do this everyday but here's my question; I have 1 film split in to 2 700MB .avi files. Is it best to convert it to svcd or dvd? What i mean is will the picture quality be worth a full dvd, or could it fit onto a dvd in svcd mode with say another film? I also have a million different progs for converting and burning and authoring etc. which ones are reccomended. Cheers for help
OK, 1st question, where did the files come from? PS-DVD is always going to be better quality. What apps do you have?
files are from the net. I'm converting avi to scvd with Aare avi to vcd/dvd/svcd programme right now. If i convert to dvd it will take about 80 hours as my pc is old and slow. So as the file is only 1.4 GB, thw quality cannot get better so why use a 4.7GB dvd for a 1.4 GB file. What will size be after converting to svcd?