Hi I all ready have a R4 kit I got last week from www.gobiodon.com. Anyhow my friend next door just got a Ds and would like one of these R4 cards. Anyhow he is short or cash and dose not have a PC (at the minute). Anyhow www.gobiodon.com was selling a replacement r4 shell witch is the DS card thing you stick your micro Sd card into so you can play the games on the DS. Click me for picture if you do not know what i mean. Anyhow as he dose not have a PC he wont be able to download games and put them on the Ds. And also he only lives next door so he could ask me to download the games he wants and put them on the card for him. So the disc or USB micro ds adapter he dose not need. So can he just buy this R4 card shell and a Micro Ds and let me put the games on the card pleas awnser this question as soon as possible thanks.
The price on that makes me think that is just the outside plastice shell (like it says it is) without any of the innards. I don't think that is what you want. I would recommend that your friend just go ahead an order the R4 bundle with the Micro card and the reader. He'll have an R4, you'll have an R4, he'll have a card, you'll have a card, you'll have a reader, and if in the future you aren't friends, he gets a computer or acces to one, or one of you moves, he'll have a reader.