Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by rlangford, Jul 27, 2008.

  1. rlangford

    rlangford Guest

    I am having a problem with my daughters acts like it is going to start then it goes to the screen where it asks you if you want to start in safe mode, last known good configuration, or normal..blah blah blah...all the safe mode options, start scrolling some weird crap then go right back to the page asking how you want to start safe mode, etc..the other 2 go straight back to this page. So I figure i'm going to have to do a system restore, but would like to pull all of her pictures and stuff cousin told me if i can start it using the start up disc i can jump drive the pictures out of it. Only problem, she doesn't have a start up disc..only a system recovery/restore disc..can i make one? What do i do now? Please Help
  2. goodswipe

    goodswipe Guest

    I would try and make a MS-DOS startup disk. This way, you can boot to the C drive, navigate to the location of the pictures, then copy to a floppy or another device.

    You can do this by sticking a floppy disk into a working PC. Right click on the A: drive and select to format. From there, select the "create MS-DOS start up disk". Now take this floppy and boot to it from your daughters system.
  3. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    goodswipe, have to have a floppy drive to use a floppy disk & most newer laptops don't have that drive.

    rlangford, could take the drive out of laptop & put it into a 2.5" hard drive usb enclosure to connect to you pc to retrieve the needed info. have done that a few times including a vista laptop with a sata drive for the 1st time when it crashed.

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