Hi thank you for looking at my thread. i am trying to connect my xbox to my pc so that i can transfer files to it,it is softmodded with unleashX i am trying to find out what cable do i use to connect it to my pc and also how do i determine witch cable it is? thanks in advance guys. john
use the search button for the 'ftp tutorial' there it is all explained (numerous times). if you do not use a router, you have to connect your xbox to your pc directly using a crossover cable. don't use a straight cable, but use a crossover cable. just look at both ends of the cable, if you look into the rj45 connector and all the colors are in the same order and identical on both plugs, you have a straight cable. on a crossover cable they are not the same (2 colors are on different places / switched). so, if both ends are identical ==> straight, not identical ==> cross see also: http://www.unbf.ca/housing/resnet/start.htm if you use a router, you can off course use straight (or cross)