Hey my flash fxp is being gay... I can transfere files from my xbox to my comp fine. (1.2mb/sec) but when i go the other way, comp to xbox, it goes really slow (13-40kb/sec) and then just stops around half way. does anyone know how to fix this???
I'm using softmodded xbox, unleashX dashboard. and i dont know how to turn that on or off, so i'm not sure.... Help?
Ok, so i tried smart FTP and another windows based one and i got the same results. There must be something wrong with the settings on my xbox, but it still does not make sence to me why it would work fine going one way (xbox to comp) but be really ass slow the other way... I dunno maybe i'm way more of a newb than i thought i was. I thought i had modding custom maps down. ugh this is annoying.
So i still can't get the damn thing to work! but funny story, I worked out that you can connect streight to Xbins off ur xbox! so there is no need to ftp the files to ur comp from xbins and then again to your xbox. You can just go Xbins - Xbox. I diddn't know that, I thought it was kinda neat. Also I think that might solve my problem, i'm not sure. If i use my FTP client on my xbox and try to connect to my PC from that would that work? How would i find out my PC's user name and pass :S and port?? sorry if thats a dumb question.