I have used everything!! I think my computer is a piece of sh*t. Everytime I start VSO DivxtoDVD my computer shuts off. I dont understand. I just reformatted it so theres nothing on it but VSO and nothing running in the background. Can someone please help me.
After you reformatted did you download and install any codecs? Drop your video on AviCodec and see if it says "unsupported". www.free-codecs.com should have what you need.
Cant help on that software, I use winavi with the xvid codec loaded and it works a treat. Maybe worth trying something else if you still have problems with that software.
I have tried all software and I have a codec. Do you think it could be a hardware issue. My computer just shuts it self off.
The only hardware issue I could think of is CPU overheat caused by extra work this type of thing involves. Maybe check that fan is working okay and also not clogged with dust. Does it shut off straight away, or after enough time to maybe heat CPU up (a few minutes) if you set the PC to monitor voltage and heat and then run program again you may see a recurring cut off point.
Thats almost exactly what is happening..After about 5 mins..It shuts off. Is there a way I can correct this?
If it is heat related, you can make sure fan is spinning, then either vacuum or air spray the heat sink grill. Also make sure the CPU is fitted okay maybe get some more compound and re-seat the CPU. You could also try just leaving the side wall off case and cooling with desk fan etc... If you do start to touch around the CPU make sure you use anti-static precautions or you could fry the CPU. Worst case would be to ground yourself to the chassis by holding onto it.