Hello, I have literally tried 10 different programs to try and get this to happen. NOTHING seems to work properly. Let me briefly explain what I wish to do... I have a DVD of Eight Below in my PC (yes a perfectly legitamate and paid for version) and wish to extract approxiamtely 4 minutes from the first VOB file (VTS_01_1.VOB). I know I could convert the whole DVD to an XviD file but this would probably take 8 hours of encoding. For just a 4 minute clip that seems slightly excessive. Therefore why couldn't I just extract my 4 minute clip in VOB form and then convert that small VOB file to XviD? I've read through these forums and from what I've gathered a VOB file is just an MPEG-2 file with a different extension. The screenshot below would seem to back that up... So, knowing it's an MPEG-2 file I thought the best software to edit it in (and extract my 4 minute clip) would be M2-edit. However when I go to extract in M2-edit I get the following error message... Not sure why this is It seems to do the cutting part fine. I've also tried VirtualDub-MPEG2. This opens the VOB file fine and I can actually select my 4 minute clip, however when I go to export I get the following error... So I select 'No audio' from the 'Audio' menu just to test the video output and that seems to work OK. But without audio it's obviously useless to me I won't bother listing the other programs and methods I've tried because I think it's clear what I wish to do. Thank you to anyone who has taken the time to read this and all help is appreciated
Oh... It seems that the XviD file that VirtualDub-MPEG2 made (the one with no audio) is actually the wrong size. When I maximize the original VOB file in VLC media player it fills my whole screen width. However the new XviD (no audio) file doesn't. It's boxed in the centre I've taken a screenshot from MediaInfo of the XviD file...
Get a program called VideoReDo. Just load your VOB, select start and end points and click save. Frame accurate and non-lossy. There's a long trial and plenty of advice on their forum.