Hello, my xbox has been modded for some time. Its a softmod. EvoX to be exact. Does anyone know of any kind of recovery disc I can use to restore my xbox to factory settings? Any help would be greatly appreciated! P.S. If it isnt too much, could you tell me a website that would have the file on it? Thanks in advance, I honestly appreciate anyone who contributes. Im a noob, but am looking to stay modding for a while. -sh4rpy
little bit harsh as he may have just mis read what you put. if you still have the game saves on your box and want it back to factory settings then this is the easiest way to do it ( this is my opinion and has been done by me many times ) load up a softmod installer or AID installer from the disk. They both have file managers on them. All you have to do is go on to your E drive and delete everyting from there apart from your DATA folders ( U & T ) Then on to your C drive and get rid of everything but the 7 original files that came on your box ( I cant remeber them off the top of my head as i'm at work but will post them on here later) once you do this your box will boot up again as normal like it has never been modded job Done!
You could use Slayer's 2.5 or 2.6, or you could use Auto-Installer Deluxe 3.0, each gives you the option of resetting your Xbox back to factory settings. Slayer's seems to work faster in my opinion.
If you do use the option to reset it back to factory settings with a disk you may find it will leave files on your E drive thats why i'd rather get in there and manually delete them off.
im just making sure that it was a softmod because people just dont know like he said its EvoX well thats not a softmod its a dashboard you could have a chip and still have EvoX.......like they stated allready the slayer disc will restore it and so will the Auto installer Deluxe disc....if you softmodded the xbox and still have the saves on there you can just remove the softmod by putting in the same game you used to softmod....