I got a some emulators today for my xbox and when I tryed to ftp them it worked fine. I deleted some files I thought I wouldn't need anymore since it was in the Games folder. I restarted my xbox and then I went to games and I find out that it is empty, My Madden 2006 is gone along with everything else in there. I connect my xbox again through ftp and go into the e folder, I see Madden 2006 folder and my Emulator Folder, I open my emulator folder and take the emulator to the e/games folder instead of the e/games/emulators folder, I then restart my xbox and I see my emulator, my question is how come I cant see my Madden but when I ftp or look in boXplore I see it. Thanks
Ok, I have a folder called Madden 06 and within it I have these files and or folders : Burnout (Folder) Data (Folder) DASHUPDATE.XBE (File) Default.xbe_orig (File) UPDATE.XBE (File) I have Evo X.
Rename default.xbe_orig to just default.xbe Also, make sure the Madden folder is in the games folder like TheReturn suggested.
I renamed the file from Default.xbe_orig to Default.xbe and restarted my xbox, it didn't work, any other suggestions ?