I bought a mp4 player off of ebay for 60 dollars, it took me many months to come up with the money. It looked so great: http://trademamadirect.com/store/pc/viewPrd.asp?idcategory=3&idproduct=64 However whenever I turn it on the loading bar goes 3/4th and stops. I have tried many different firmwares in order to fix it but to no avail. Please help me fix my sad christmas.
grr, i am so angry at this taht i will offer 10 dollars paypal to the person who locates the firmware that makes my player work again. if u are interested i can post a video of what happens.
I'd love to help bluewolfe but best I can offer is this link - http://etronicsland.com/anyka-chipset-mp4-player-nes-gamepad-firmware-download-p-188.html Why not go back to the seller and get your $ back or a replacement? edit - Almost forgot - no bumping
You can try format your player from here. If that doesn't work then I will do my best to try and find firmware for you.
Yeah, ive tried everything you've all suggested, but to no avail. What im really looking for here is someone who has the exact same player and could extract for me. Thanks.