First up i'm trying to connect my xbox to my pc or visa versa. I'm not putting in a perminent IP address on my PC because when i do it wont let me connect to the internet. So when I try and connect the following messages come up. R] Connecting to -> IP= PORT=21 [R] Connected to [R] 220-Welcome to XBOX FileZilla [R] 220-version: XBFileZilla version 1.2, (based on FileZilla Server 0.8.3) [R] 220 [R] USER xbox [R] 331 Password required for xbox [R] PASS (hidden) [R] 230 Logged on [R] SYST [R] 215 UNIX emulated by FileZilla [R] FEAT [R] 500 Syntax error, command unrecognized. [R] REST 100 [R] 350 Rest supported. Restarting at 100 [R] REST 0 [R] 350 Rest supported. Restarting at 0 [R] PWD [R] 257 "/" is current directory. [R] List (cached) [R] List Complete: 371 bytes in 0.01 seconds (36.2 KB/s) I dont know if this means I'm connected or not. Please help, all I want to do is transfer some music and watch my movies thru my xbox instead of my PC. I know this may have been posted before but all instructions i have foolowed havent worked for me. And I'm afraid I've done one this to cancell another out. Any and all help would be muchly appreciated. Cheers, Bob
Sure thing, settings on my xbox are as follows IP: subnet: defualt: DNS: Setup delay: 0 Skip if no link:Yes Anything else you need. Please just let me know and i will answer asap. Cheers, Bob
My laptops settings are IP: Submask: Asigned by DHCP IPv6 Enabled My PC's settings are IP: Submask: Asigned by DCHP Both connected and working thru the same router. But Xbox wont. Cheers, Bob
Am also looking for the solution of link. As I know, the DHCP function should be turn off. Can you ping xbox address form PC?