Hello, i recently purchased a 60gig video ipod. Im having a few issue with it right now. whats the correct procedure to upload my music, video, picture files to the ipod? i have been draging them "music file, video files ect.." to the "my ipod" section that pops up on itunes. and some of the music doesnt show up on my ipod after i unplug it?? only like one song for each artist sometimes, yet when i plug it back up to my computer it shows all the missing songs on their again?? this even after i went threw and corected all the artist titles to match. any ideas?? am i uploading my songs wrong? what is the "my library" and "videos" section for??
Manage music manually: http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=61148 Sync video to iPod: http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=302509 More: http://www.apple.com/support/ipod/tutorial/
To put pictures on your iPod connect it to your computer and open iTunes. In iTunes go to Edit->Prefrences->iPod->Photos. You can then pick a folder from which you would like to add pictures from. Have your other issues been resolved?