I hope im posting in the right section... i have a toshiba satellite p15 with DVD multi recorder when i insert a blank DVD+R the drive tries to read it but it never recognizes it??? I can play DVDs etc... but i cant access the blank dvd to rip movies. Any one have ANY ideas? PLease let me know
Hi AR3, I'm lost a bit on what you are trying to do. You can't rip a blank DVD because there is nothing on it to rip. Ripping is taking a purchased DVD movie and making a copy on your Hard Drive. It then needs to be burned back to the blank dvd media. The original dvd has copy guard on it so it needs to be decrypted as it is being ripped to the HD. You need to download these programs. DVDSHrink and DVD Decrypter both free. Then check the guide tab at the top of the page to learn how to use them. That will get you started. Come back with any questions or problems. Jerry
sorry guys i cant explain properly Jerry, i have ripped a dvd movie on to my HD, when i try to burn it back on to a blank DVD, it tells me there is no DVD in the drive??? i put the blank DVD+R in the drive and the light of DVD drive flashes for a while then it stops, but when i try to put the movie from HD to DVD it says no DVD in drive. Is it because DVD multi recorder cant work with a DVD+R??? I am not sure what the problem is
AR3, That could be the trouble. Do you know who manufactured your drive and what model it is? If not, download this free tool and it will tell you. http://www.dvdinfopro.com. Once we know the information about the drive, we can research it to see what blank media it can use. Jerry
Exactly how are you trying to do this? You can't just drag and drop files to a DVD disk. I least I don't think so.
Yes ... do tell. AR3, can you post your steps and the programs your using? Also doesn't hurt to post your system specs.
I have had problems with my toshiba P10-804 not reading dvd discs. Try writing using Verbatim dvd-r discs that should sort out the problem. (It has a SD-R6112 dvd writer, which seems to be very picky with what media it will use).
Sounds a bit like you may have a DVD-ROM/CD-RW combo and not a DVD burner. If this is the case, it is the reason why it will not burn DVD's. Able to read and play but not burn.
Hey guys thanks for all the info Jerry i'll check and see who manufactured the drive, will get back to you Flip i am using dvd shrink, actually this guide http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/dvd9_to_dvdr_with_dvd_shrink.cfm Colw, i dont think its a dvd rom, it says dvd multi recorder and the sales person told me it could burn dvd, but then again they can say whatever to make a sale This is a toshiba satellite p15, the dvd burner / rom came with the machine
AR3..........are you sure your burner is capable of burning to +r dvd's, as it may only be a -r burner....... I would double check the formats it is capable of burning...... Just a thought........ I have a Toshiba Satellite pro that has a -r recorder (SD-R6112 ).....and pretty much think that the -r is a standard for Toshiba (however I maybe wrong)....
baabaa how can i check that? When i go into the properties of drive D the description is MATSHITA DVD-RAM UJ-811 TYPE DVD/CD-ROM drives cdoes anybody have a clue if its a +r or -r recorder?
thanks colw, how do you know that it only supports -r? another dumb question so does this mean if i get -r dvds, then i can burn my dvds already on my HD on to the blank dvd-r? also whats the difference between dvd+r and DVD-r thanks again really appreciate it
Pasted the Model and number into google and did a quick search. With the right media (-)you should be able to burn OK from h/d to DVD. You may need a burning program such as Nero. - was the original DVD format and still technically the only official one. + was developed by a group of companies seeking to avoid paying licencing fees to the original developers - not a great deal of difference btwen the formats
Thanks guys for all your help really glad i found this site. i will be back with more questions im sure