PLEASE HELP Pcsxbox v18 burning games to dvd

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by mrpoppins, Oct 27, 2007.

  1. mrpoppins

    mrpoppins Member

    Oct 27, 2007
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    OK well i might be slightly retarded, but i have been online for a few weeks trying to get a clear and concise way to burn psx games to dvd and play on xbox. okay i'm not going to say what i tried, well i got a .bin and .cue burned as data dvd-r put it in and go to pcsxbox try to load it it starts to load and one second later switches back to the load game screen. if i ftp the same games they work but i can't get them to work of disk. I thought that i should start this thread so people can easily find how to do this. I read through most of the post on this site and i have still am dumb founded though i may just be dumb. well thanks for the help and time.
  2. mrpoppins

    mrpoppins Member

    Oct 27, 2007
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  3. mrpoppins

    mrpoppins Member

    Oct 27, 2007
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    You need a program called cdrwin. How you obtain it is up to you.
    Put your original ps1 disc(or if you already have the bin and cue files from elsewhere they work too.) into your pc it will create bin and cue files on your hard disk. These files are huge once you are done creating your dvd you can delete them but not yet. The program will take all of the files on the ps1 disk and turn it into one bin and one cue file. I then downloaded and installed qwix or Use qwix to create a local iso with the bin and cue file.(make a folder put the bin and cue files inside then find that folder in the local folder browse thing and create an iso out of it.) Then use 120% alcohol or Nero to burn image to a dvdr.(i used DVD-r and make sure if you use nero express you change the disk to DVD because it is on CD first) My xbox didn't take rw so i used all sony brand dvd+R or -R. now you can start psx direct game load. so in pcsxbox you will now find that dvd in the R: drive opposed to the S: drive, and if it is not there keep looking around it should be there.

    Special Thanks to Famitsu for the help.

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