ok is there any way to remove the splinter cell softmod/unleasx without the linux save that your suppose to access?? My save has been deleted from the HD, is there anyway i can burn a disc or something??? please help, i hope i explained my problem. p.s. i no longer have access to a action replay
If you can still FTP to your Xbox then get the the linux save back and ftp it into the mechassault folder then you can run the exploit and uninstall your softmod.
boot your xbox up with the disc tray open.. then the mediaXmenu will come up then go to C Restore and hit confirm and it'll restore your xbox back to the way it was before mod... but to remod your xbox you have to use splintercell and the game save to reinstall it
if he doesn't have the linux save on his xbox but he still has it on a memory card all he should have to do is go to the MS Dash then put it back on and then restart his xbox with the disc tray open and do the C Restore.. but if he doesn't have access to action replay... he doesn't really need it anyway you can make your own cord for xbox to usb and then put the save on your memory card youself throu action replay its not that hard lol.. but ftping your xbox would be easyer then move the game save into the UData folder and restart your xbox with the disc tray open