I accedently deleted my daughters songs off of her itunes library. She has about 800 songs on her ipod. Will she lose them if she trys to install any more songs? We are unsure as to what to do...
she shouldnt lose any of the songs. as long as you dont delete them off of the ipod then the songs will still be there, even if you put more songs onto the ipod.
Well if you deleted her songs from her iTunes library, and she goes to plug in her iPod and update (with the blank iTunes library) it will clear the iPod of any music. If she adds some songs to the blank library, when she updates, the iPod will have [bold]exactly[/bold] what is in the library, so it'll only be the new songs. Your best bet is to either add all the songs back into the library (if they're stored on your HD). If they're deleted from your HD, you could use programs to take songs off of the iPod.
I know how you must feel. I watch Call For Help and they had this program that will transfer songs from the iPod to the HDD n the PC Heres some info:"Yamipod.com lets you manage the music on your iPod without iTunes. All you have to do is to download the free software, which works on Mac, Linux, and Windows, and then open YamiPod and plug in your iPod. You'll have the option to create playlists, but one of the best features is the ability to copy from your iPod to your desktop or other locations on your computer. Basically, YamiPod is a great tool if you don't want to attach your iPod's library to a specific iTunes directory." CallForHelptv.com Go here for the link http://callforhelptv.com/callforhelp/shownotes/0371.shtml?freefiles
I don't have any real problems with iTunes, but I dislike it, so I'll probably check out that program. Thanks iPirate.