Please help with Sony Burner

Discussion in 'DVD / Blu-ray drives' started by Movie_Mom, Feb 8, 2006.

  1. Movie_Mom

    Movie_Mom Guest

    I have a Sony DVD RW DRU-530A burner. Haven't had a problem with it until just a few days ago. One day it was working fine, the next day I had a power calibration error. From that time on the burner will no recgonize blank DVD media. It will recgonize blank CD media, and all music, dvd, or program discs, just not the blank DVD media.

    I have used this media without any problems before, but thought perhaps I hit a bad batch, so I tried another brand of Media I have previously used without any problems....again, will not recgonize it. I made sure the firmware is updated. Didn't help.

    Is this an issue with software or the drive itself? If it is a hardware issue how come it recgonizes everything but the blank DVD Media? I am really confused!

    I have had the burner for quite a while, at least 2 years. Had a previous calibration error problem with it, but updated the firmware and it worked perfectly until now.

    Thanks for all your help.
  2. The_OGS

    The_OGS Active member

    Feb 18, 2004
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    What's up Mom - burner still dead?
    Well you have probably been to this page

    There is a nice Sony utilty available there, 'Drive Check Diagnostic Test'.
    The latest firmware offered is v/2.1G (with a handy AutoInstaller :^)
    Check this stuff out (and also ensure your drive is DMAing properly from within Windows Hardware Manager), and get back to us.
  3. Movie_Mom

    Movie_Mom Guest

    Thanks for the input. I didn't try the diagnostic test yet. I did make sure the firmware was up to date. I just think that perhaps it finally died. It had a good run. My husband installed a different burner into the computer, and it works perfect! However that burner is only on loan.

    My husband has made sure the Sony is cleaned, and when he puts it back in the computer I'll run the diagnostic test. At this point I really think it is hopeless. I think I am going to have to break down and buy another burner. Any suggestions on what I should get?

    thank you very much for taking the time to reply to my post. I appreciate your help.
  4. saugmon

    saugmon Senior member

    Oct 9, 2004
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    New Burner?

    I'm a big BenQ fan. I've got 2 of the 1620s and a 1640 all booktyping. is where I got my last 2 drives and that last 1640 was only $38 including shipping. Newegg is out of the 1620 and 1640 now. Not sure of who else would have a great price on them.

    I've got 3 other burners and the 3 benqs totally kick a**.
    Stand alone compatability after you booktype the plus format to dvd-rom.The backups from my other 3 burners can't even come close.

    Well over 99.8%+ success rate. They even burn crappy media like cmags/philips/moser bauer/and AML. They burn the higher quality yuden000-T02 and MCC-004 better at 8x and 12x.I do get more errors on my 2.4x and 4x backups.You gotta go faster with the benq 1640.

    90% stand alone compatability rate after you booktype. I stay away from the dash because these booktypes backups have a higher compatability rate on stand alones and other dvd drives.

    Rip and burn on the fly is another Option I have. No coasters out of the last 200+ OTF copies.

    Very,very few coasters!They'll burn anything you slap in them,but they do favor the plus format.
  5. Movie_Mom

    Movie_Mom Guest

    Thanks for the advice.

    I went to, and checked out their burners. I looked at 4 BenQ's. 2 DQ60's and 2 DW1655's. The only real difference I can tell between them is the interface, and the 1655's have lightscribe.

    I don't know anything about the different interfaces, so I don't shich would be better. Each burner is within an affordable price range for me.

    Also I don't know anything about "booktyping". I don't know what it is, or even how to do it. Can you offer any advice as to which one of the burners I should get, and how to booktype the drive.

    Thanks for your advice and help.
  6. saugmon

    saugmon Senior member

    Oct 9, 2004
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    If you play your backups on a lot of game consoles/stand alone players/and pc drives,then booktyping is a huge asset. If just for your personal self and a couple players,then no biggie.

    Booktyping the plus format to dvd-rom fools those picky players into being able to recognize them.Only the plus format can be booktyped. If you ran into a stand alone that gave you a no disc/dirty disc/or region code,this is a message saying they may not be compatable with your backups. By booktyping,you'll actually have a third format at your disposal for those picky players.

    Not all burners have this capability. Benq,plextor/Lite-on/LG/and some sony drives have this capability. Some sony? Some of them are re-badged lite-ons. Dru-700/710/and 800 are a few of them. You may have to use a certain burn engine or utility,but they have the capability.

    Other drives like NEC and Pioneer can booktype,but with hacked firmware.They are excellent drives.

    I did notice Newegg had the Plextor 740 around $55 + after rebate.This is a re-badged benq 1640. Same drive,different manufacturer. It's plextor's budget line of burners. It also says something about benq. Philips is also used re-badged benqs as well as a few I/O Magic 16x's.

    Any other brand names that I didn't mention,I'd avoid.

    Here's a couple that's on special this weekend:
    Nec 3550:

    Lite-on 160PS6

    Also give the other lite-ons/LG/and plextors a good look.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2006
  7. Movie_Mom

    Movie_Mom Guest

    Thanks for the advice. I went ahead and ordered the Plextor 740 you mentioned. I should get it sometime this week.

    I still am not sure about booktyping. We play the movies on our home dvd players. We have a pioneer DVR 220 in the living room, and then two Daewoos in the bedrooms. We have rarely had any problems with playback. Just recently, the Daewoos have been giving us problems, but they just may be getting old. We have 3 ps2's and 1 X-Box. Haven't had a reason to use them to watch movies, put it the problems persist with the Daewoo's may consider using the game consoles. I never watch a movie on the computer, I figure I stare at enough during the day.

    Apart from that, we do have a laptop, and am considering buying a dvd player for the mini-van. My main purpose in backing up the dvd's is so that the children don't destroy them. Will I need to booktype to get the dvd's to work in the mini-van? I certainly don't want to take originals on a trip with us!

    Thanks again for being so helpful! I greatly appreciate it.
  8. saugmon

    saugmon Senior member

    Oct 9, 2004
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    That is quite a few players. The plextor 740 will booktype,but not sure what utility is needed: Plextools or q-suite 2.0?

    Plextor is top of the food chain when it comes to brand names.

    You'll probably have to start all over again to find the right format for your burner and stand alone players. I'd get a batch of quality dash and plus. Burn a few with the new plextor and test them out in all your drives. They will tell you which format they like,otherwise you'll get a no disc/dirty disc/or region code error.
  9. Movie_Mom

    Movie_Mom Guest

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