I have been backing up my movie collection for some time now but lately I have been having a problem using nero (latest version) and anydvd (latest version). Nero always gives me an error message. Are there any trouble shooting techniques that someone can pass along?
Hecho , Welcome to the forum Below is the last stable version of Nero 7 which is, If you version is higher then go to the Nero site and d/l Nero Cleantools and clean Nero totally off your computer after you uninstall it using Windows http://www.filehippo.com/download_nero_7_premium/?845 Do Not update to any other version as they are buggy. What is the error message Nero gives you
First thanks for the response. THe error is a cyclonic redundancy error. I also think I might need a new burner as sometime my disc drive will not recognize a dvd, the dvd will keep spinning. I have used it A LOT in the 2-3 years that I have had the computer.
those Cycle Redundancy Errors are a pain..... try cleaning your disk and making sure there are no scratchs on it!
Depending on how many burns you have with the drive can take its toll on the laser over the years. The plain fact of it being old isn't prime, but if you've used it a lot over the years will wear it down. I would make sure i updgraded the Nero first and if you can identify the manufacturer to see if any firmware upgrades are out there. Update the drive if applicable then re-test. If that doesn't work you may want to think about upgrading. There are a lot of good forums on burners in here. Good luck to you.
check your firmware this way! and if you don't have DVDDecrypter, you should: http://fileforum.betanews.com/download/DVD_Decrypter/1011845169/1