please help =)

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by dahlia88, Jul 13, 2006.

  1. dahlia88

    dahlia88 Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    i decided to softmod my xbox about 24 hours ago with no prior knowledge of anything to do with xboxes and it went a lot smoother than i thought, i've managed to get the EvoX dash onto my hard drive along with the programs boxplorer and dvdx2. now i would like to mod a halo 2 map and i have an FTP connection to my computer but apparently my xbox hdd does not have enough room for me to copy the entire halo 2 game onto it, as i have not upgraded my hdd. ive read somewhere that you only have to copy the map files to the hard drive but i do not understand where to copy these being that i cant find the maps in my tdata on the E: drive, also if you are using the disc to run the game it doesnt need to pull the map files from your hard drive, correct? then how would the modded map, weapons, etc show up in the game when using the disc? sorry about the length! any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks.
  2. backupguy

    backupguy Regular member

    Jan 7, 2006
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    the xbox hdd ranges from 6gb to 8gb and the halo 2 game is about 8-9gb so no stock hdd has enough space. if you want to mod the new maps they are already on the hard drive if you downloaded them or have the new multiplayer maps disc. but if you want to mod the old maps in order to load them you will have to copy it to the hdd, but to make it fit, just odnt copy the campaign maps. if you kinda know what your doing go into file explorer and create a folder in the E: drive called Games and then create a folder in that one called halo 2. Then copy all the folders from the d drive into that halo 2 folder apart from the maps folder. once that it done go into the d drive then the maps folder and copy all the maps that aren't campaign ones. the multiplayer maps are the ones at the end of the list inside the folder, the first one is called ascension then so on and so forth. hope this helps, then to load it, go into your dash and into the games section and load halo 2. if you want to know how to actually mod the maps, reply to this thread or have a look in the modding halo 2 thread. thnks.

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