I got my xbox modded i need to know how to patch my files and i need to know how to put on mod please post or im me at canttouchmme ty for your help.
Ok well first you need to grab the latest version of DotHalo: http://halomaps.com/programs/halo2/dothalo_v1.0b3.0.rar and CMR: http://halomaps.com/programs/halo2/cmr.rar Also make sure you have .Net Framework 2.0: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/...cb-4362-4b0d-8edd-aab15c5e04f5&DisplayLang=en 1.) Open up DotHalo and then the map that your PPF patch is for. 2.) Click the "Apply PPF Patch" button. 3.) Then click the "PPF Patch" button 4.) Locate the ppf you are trying to apply to the map and then click "Open" 5.) Then click "Apply Patch" 6.) Then close the map, then DotHalo 7.) Then open up CMR 8.) Click "Open Map" 9.) Find the map you just applied the PPF Patch to 10.) Then click "Open" 11.) Then click "Sign Map" 12.) When it says "Complete" you can then FTP the map back onto your Xbox