Please some one to Help i have a big problem with my DVD Please

Discussion in 'DVD / Blu-ray drives' started by Amore74, Aug 18, 2006.

  1. Amore74

    Amore74 Guest

    I have a soni vaio VGN S3VP, i was trying to decript a movie and the pc has some probles that it couldn't finish, when i try to ree star with the decripting i find out that my computer can not reed the movie when i put the dvd in the maching doesn't even reconise the information in the dvd apears as a blank dvd, and is the same with must of the new movies that i have, somo old ones can be reed and play in the pc, i have been looking everiwhere to find what is the problem i have download all the upgrates that i found in the sony vaio web page, i have down load all the ugrates that i found for Windows, i have even got the new version of Intervideo WiniDVD and even i had recover the pc in full and nothing seems to work, can some one help me please??????
  2. theridges

    theridges Guest

    Upgrade the firmware on your DVD Drive that is probably the problem....

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