Ok been downloading and installing like crazy. Here's what I have so far: Alcohol 120% that won't create .ccd image files (in any mode)[what do I need?] Alcoholer 4.1 (Keeps asking for Clonyxxl) ClonyXXL 6.0 (old version?) BWABuilder (got this one figured out) BWAEdit (???????) BlindWrite5 W/19 days left BW Tweaker (Saved the guide) A-Ray (got a grip on this too) TwinPeak (no clue) PATIN-COUFFIN LAYER (installed) Aspi 4.70 Installed Protect Version (Like A-Ray only for securerom) CCD 4 Profiler 1.2 (Kinda sketchy on this one) Safedisc Analyser 3.4 A downloaded Thief Deadly Shadows BWA & A 99% copy of same made from a mdf image @ 8x System: HP ZD 7000 notebook WINDOWS XP HOME W/SP2 Pentium 4 2.8 GHZ - CLOCK SPEED 133MHZ 768 mb ddr-ram 128 mb Nvidia Go5600Geforce 160 GIG 7200 rpm external HD usb 2.0 60 GIG 5400 rpm internal HD Liteon 1633s usb 2.0 w/dl capabilities ---MAX R/W 48X A really old IOMEGA cd-rw usb 1.0 -----16x10x40 Internal HL-DT-ST RW/DVDR GCC-4241N ----MAX R/W 24X I believe that's it for game back-ups. I should have done this first but got sucked into this site. I appreciate everyone who has the time to offer advice/help. My goal is to create an image of Thief Deadly Shadows that can be mounted and played from. Barring that, I will settle for a burned disc. It is protected by SecureRom I have "twinned" an mds image with the resulting response "Please insert the original disc not a back-up". I have mounted an mds image with the response "Conflict with disc Emulation software detected". I Have Burned both and got the corresponding response "can't find T3.exe" which is on the play disc I am trying to image. And to top things off....... NOW IT'S PERSONAL!!!!!!! I hate it when inanimate objects get the best of me. So once again thank you for your help.