hey guys, here's my problem: just recently my dvdr plextor px-716a will not burn an audio cd. It reads DVD, plays music CD, DATA CD's. It happened over night and I cant seem to burn a simple audio project, what can be woring and how do i correct this problem. I keep getting a message saying there is a hardware problem and the disc might be bad, but i tried numerous blank cd brand and used music match and nero to burn byt same problem. I hope my dvdr didnt take a crap on me, it worked so well. Please provide amy info. Thanks in advace.
It could be the firmware. Try updating your firmware here, http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?download_id=1974
Prob came on suddenly and is present with diferent brands. These facts are against it being a firmware prob. Does it burn DVDs? Easiest way to check pout burner is to put it in another PC and see if prob continues - meaning a damaged drive. Could uninstall from device manager and let windows reboot, finding it as new hardware.
My bet is the Plextor 716A is dead. Mine died after about 15 months of light burning. I switched to BenQ.
Agree; hardware (drive) failure is most likely of the possibilities. Don't feel bad GrandPa, I also had a burner die at 13 mos, just after the warranty expired.