Hi, I downloaded a copy of a movie from internet under zip format. There are 17 zip files. Question: how do I convert these zip file to a full movie? Could you explain to me step by step instruction up to a point where the files can be burned using Nero or Roxio? Thanks.
bizz, Bragging about downloaded movies, movies you haven't paid for and don't own generally means you're involved in Piracy - we don't do that here - Sea yaaaa, Pete
Good anwer! just thougt: why we have guide to use DVD Shrink and Decrypter to get around copyright? I might try some other useful sites then. Thanks again!
A question that deserves an answer if it hasn't been made clear here for you - What we don't condone here are people who steal or who deal in stolen material whether it's an iPod, a TV or a DVD from a store or, a DVD from the Internet. What we believe is that if people worked hard to produce something they are entitled to be paid for it. Consider the poor soul with a 2, 3 or 4 year old who plays with their Whinnie the Pooh DVD and scratches the disc to the point that it won't play anymore and is now forced to go purchase another $29.99 DVD to keep their child happy. $29.99 to someone who works for a living may begin to hurt if 3 or 4 DVD's a month requires replacement. We believe that if we purchase something, we should be allowed to protect that which we paid for. When the copyright fee has been paid for we feel it should be within our right to make a backup so that re-purchasing that which we had isn't necessary. When the movie industry offers to replace damaged DVD's, free of charge and, in a timely manner, then perhaps we can then discuss the sanctity of the copyright on products which we own. I hope that makes things a little clearer. Pete BTW, I'm the guy that removes those tags on my pillows that say, "Do Not remove under Penalty of law." Why, because they are uncomfortable to lie on and, because it's my property!
It seems to me that you assume any one download movie is stealing from others. You should not make that assumption and give us a lecture here. What I really want here is to learn how to piece the zipped files format together to its original movie. Thanks anyway!
bizz, Read the rules & follow them and this is the friendliest & most helpful place on the net for dvd-r related info (just look at all the other posts). Buck the rules and then bust the chops of the veterans and you'll get nowhere fast. You won't have to leave, they'll kick you out with a great big BOOM! You can try some other sites (I did), but there are one better than this one. I'd apologise and start over if I were you. Joe D.
let go and join to the xhackers.com. you will see how friendly and useful they are. Thanks for your advice.