me and my friends are wanting to modify our xbox's for halo 2 purposes. we are noobs and dont know where to start or what to buy. we are scared to death of sodering to our xbox or doing some kind of damage to it. anyone with any help on how to start, or how to softmod for halo 2 pls email me at thanks in advance sputnicker
every thing is sooo much easier with a chip.... they have solderless... i was the same way u guys were when i started .only my xbox was given to me with a error code.. i spent a year trying to softmod then gave up and used a chip it only took a week..a week cus i had some mental blocks while doin it ... but im shhure it can be done in 1 doy
@TheSputt-might want to remove your email addy from the post. (against the rules) Ask people to PM you instead.
get some practise soldiering on an ps1 board or something similar or get someone else to soldier it for you mine cost $60(xecuter 2) plus they installed it and $90 for the 80GB hdd plus installation and that was last year.