am trying to download the firmware for my ex1000sl but it say waiting for a response on your receiver it does not happen when i connect my eurovox max v. am able to download that easily. can some one pls help me. thanks
are you using a vista computer? also is this the firmware/loader you are using
A couple of Ideas 1.Are you sure you are using the correct port? right click on my computer and select properties, goto device manager and look for your prolific usb com port. right click and delect properties and then go into advanced settings to check the port selected. 2.If your using vista try disable off UAC and see how you get on Again this may not help but i use vista on 3 pc's and have have never had a probem flashing boxes also as said above make sure your using the correct software
i have tried that still no clue am using win xp. it say waiting for response of your receiver. when i go to advance i have prolific usb and it says com 2. can any one help pls
Obviously not so. Using an apple mac booting windows with bootcamp(a program to dual boot windows/osx)