PLZ help a noob in need! I have been able to successfully convert my psp into an xbox recognizable memstick (I can even write files to it and read off it too). but everytime i try to use action replay it would just close as soon as i connected my psp for transferring my game save exploits. even if i connected the psp before i open AR it would just simply appear for a second with the logo flashing and then close. if i do not connect my psp at all and start AR it will work fine, but as soon as i connect the psp BAM! gone. the psp also shows up in my device manager as "MaxDrive Xbox" any ideas? i changed the driver file stuff too using usbview, nothing seems to be working.
but how? i saw a post where this guy had some sort of problem and fixed it before anybody could reply but can't track it back down (i mean the post). i think his name started with yusufgb...
so I give up! I tried nothing to work, now i have to go find an action replay and borrow my friends 007. does anybody know where to get an action replay in calgary, alberta, canada? a used one will work as well.
sorry to double post: but even a used memorystick someone is willing to sell/lend to me would also do because i would use AID 4 anyways. i just need to get a new dash istalled at the moment. as i mentioned earlier i reside in calgary, alberta, canada. any help would be appreciated