hi i want to softmod my xbox.is there any over way og geting the save game files on the hard drive.like puting the hard drive in my pc.or can i join a usb cable to the cable that goes in the controler port and then use my ps2 max drive.thanks for the help.
No, unless you know someone else with a modded Xbox, the best way for you to go is buying Action Replay for your Xbox. If you do know someone with a modded xbox, you can get him to download "Xbox game saves manager" from here - http://www.xbox-saves.com/ And get him to download the saves for either Mechassault, 007 or Splinter cell. You can find out what you need by reading this guide here - http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_jump.cfm/311710/2189072-219624 So get the saves for you, get your friend to use Xbox game saves manager to transfer them to his Xbox, then get an Xbox memory card to put the saves onto to transfer the saves to your Xbox and then use the above guide to softmod it. -Mike
Ok then you can use an xbox memory card to transfer the game saves from your modded xbox. Go to the link I gave you for Xbox Game Saves Manager so you can put the save game files to your modded xbox, then use the memory card to transfer them between Xboxes. -Mike
can i use any of these http://video-games.search.ebay.co.uk/xbox_Memory_W0QQcatrefZC11QQfsooZ1QQfsopZ1QQsacatZ68261
Yep, you can use any one of those. Just make sure you don't accidentally get an Xbox 360 one though! -Mike
i have got 1 thanks m8 so i just use my modded xbox to transfer the files over.these are the files i got. SID[1].4.0.NKnave.Edition.Xbox-Hq inside SID4.NK.Launcher SID4.NK.Loader.007AUF SID4.NK.Loader.Mechassault SID4.NK.Loader.SplinterCell.NTSC SID4.NK.Loader.SplinterCell.PAL Softmod.Installer.Deluxe.v4.Nknave.Manual if this is right do i just transfer this file to the memory card SID[1].4.0.NKnave.Edition.Xbox-Hq or just the splinter cell file thanks for your help.
Ok I assume you are using a PAL Xbox, yes? And I also assume you are using splinter Cell exploit yes? Ok, in which case you put these files on the memory card - SID4.NK.Launcher SID4.NK.Loader.SplinterCell.PAL And copy them to your other Xbox harddrive. Then launch splinter cell, and launch the exploit. Then follow this guide - http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_jump.cfm/311710/2193070-219624 -Mike
thanks for all of your help you have been great help.i wiil buy a memory card and splinter cell of ebay.thanks again.
1 more other thing plz.when you do a ms backup and a eeprom backup where does it put it.i only have 1 hard drive in the xbox.do they go on there.and what would you say the best dash is.and if you have done a softmod did you do this 1.and will it work for a long time thanks mike you have been great help.
Hello can someone email me a foolproof way to softmod my version 1.6 xbox with 5960 dash at kevindeb@shaw.ca P.S which is a better softmod installer SID 4 or AID v3.03
buddy remove that email address right now. and 3,1 is harder but more reliable, 4.5 easiest but sometimes fails.