h, wud definately appreciate help here. i know this quiestion props frequuently. i have my own web page and i insert pictures onto my website. i alos upload the file on to the host. but when ppl go to my website all they see is a red x. i have tried to make the path of the file clear. but it still gertz a red x. plz help. thanks. p.s plz review my website so far....www.doublee.host.sk thanks a lot. dee
I had a quick look at your site and man those flames are annoying. That said the following path is what you have coded as an image location http://www.doublee.host.sk/New_Folder/Fun-02-june.gif but the image (yes i found it) lives in the following location http://www.doublee.host.sk/Fun-02-june.gif you need to make sure that the 'new_folder' folder exists on the host and move the image files that are supposed to be there into it.
Agreed with the flames... i checked out his site and was like ya this isnt worth time figuring out how he f*cked up the images... no but seriously I wish the best of luck to you and your web site A sweet key to a good web site is organization, it will help you in the long run in updating and fixing problems ect. but ya mr taz is right I hope you can fix it from what he gave you
thanks a lot mate. reli appreciate it. yeh might allow the flames 4 now. but tahnsk for the advise. dee