I use the following programs... DVD X Copy Platinum AnyDVD CloneDVD 2 I have a Plextor DVD/CD Combo...One of the first Plextors like 712 or 714-a Well it works, but when I first hooked my comp up my burns only took like 45 minutes now it takes 2 hrs for each one... WHy is that?? I use Ridata DVD-R 8x Silver from newegg. Plz help...Also I am looking for Ridata DVD-R 4x with darker dye on the bottom I heard their better for games but no such luck on newegg or anywhere else. Plz help...Also it seems like most of the movies I have burned lately are kind of jumpy like the picture jumps. What is up? Sorry one last thing...I keep hearing about DMA what is that all about? Will it speed up the burning process? Also why can't I backup some of my burnt movies with nero?? Some work and some don't why?
Hi sandman42 Yep if DMA is off are you are on PIO - there will be a difference in the speed. Here'a a link to check it out - look at 'current transfer mode too: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/260038 Your drive may need a firmware update to help with the discs. This could be why you have playback problems and or burning back ups. What is exact model - 712A? How about the firmware version? Other discs to use that would probably be better for you are Taiyo Yuden or Verbatim. You can get these at http://supermediastore.com
DMA as opposed to PIO will definitely affect the speed of your burns. This site explains how to check it. I am not sure on Ridata but poor media quality and/or burning too fast can cause jumpy video. Keep your burns around 4x:http://home.comcast.net/~bbmayo/FAQ.htm
yeah... I found out my burner is a 712-A Plextor DVD/CD Combo Burner... I use Ritek Ridata 8x Silver Media. Also ALL My stuff is running on DMA, but it still slow burning..I am afraid I dont have the Plextor Install Disc or the TDK DVD/CD Burner Combo Install Disc as well... So I am afraid to uninstall anything because I am afraid I wont get it back. Whats your advice plz?
There is a new firmware for your burner, version 1.09. I'd download that and update your burner. http://www.plextor.com/english/support/downloads/firm_712.htm Skipping can be an indication of any of three common burning problems. Using poor quality media. I see you're using Ridata. It used to be pretty good, but I no longer consider it top level media. I and others here recommend Taiyo Yuden (available online), Verbatim, and Fuji and Sony labeled as Made in Japan (usually by Taiyo Yuden). Burning too fast. Usually we limit the speed to no more than half the rated speed of the media, but a lot depends on the quality of the media and the burner's abilities. Out of date firmware. I have no idea what version firmware you have but unless you have version 1.09, I'd update. It's possible your burner's firmware is really out of date and is causing the slowdown in burning. Did you actually reset your controllers by uninstalling or did you just look to see that they said they were in DMA mode? You need to reset them regardless of what they said and I'd also uninstall the burner as well. By uninstalling you are simply resetting the drive and controllers. Their drivers are already a part of WinXP. To uninstall the controllers: Right click on My Computer and select Properties. Click the Hardware tab. Click the Device Manager button. Expand the IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers by clicking the "+". For the each IDE Channel: right click and select Uninstall. To uninstall the drive: Back in Device Manager, expand DVD/CD-ROM Drives by clicking on the "+" symbol if present. Right click on the name of the burner, Plextor 712 in this case and select Uninstall. Restart the system. Edit: typos