I have one simple question.How do you reformat your computer???I heard when you start your computer you keep on pressing f10???It doesn't work.Lol.
well you could try F11, that is what my computer uses. what PC do you have and i'll look into it if the F11 doesn't work. Lethal
insert your windows disk. when booting, hit anykey when prompted and the computer will boot from the CD. you then have the option to reformat and repartition your drive
hello!ughh there's just 1 problem and I would have already rebooted my computer if I had the disk...I lost it T_T Lol.Ok I'll try F11 and will reply back if it works.THX!
What PC do you have? Have you checked the website? with mine, I can type in the serial number of the comp and links me to appropriate bug fixing/rebooting software that I may need...
If u just want to reformat ur hard drive just do the following: 1) Start up the pc in dos by pressing F8 and choosing dos start up once ur in their just type in format c:\ and the rest will take care of itself...
THX!!!F8 works!....but I have a probolem Lol.When the window appears by pressing F8,there are options.Which one???Is it safe mode with command prompt?Safe Mode???Plz Help.O and LEthal_B I have the Xp professional.^^
@JasonSeo U can press F8 and choose any of the 2 options where it goes to does prompt it does not matter which one. After that just type fprmat c:\ and then u have to put everything backin after its formated...
if lost your cd than get a new 1 however which way you do it as you could end up with a big paperweight if have no windows cd!
can some one here tell me something about GTA SA that im really having trouble with How do you recrute gang members on the Mission "RIOT" PLEASE HELP, what button do you push?
hey ugh i found these cds called "ghost back up". the first cd says ghost back up 1/2. the second one is named ghost back up 2/2. It has something to do with norton ghost, im sure cuz i put in the cd when my computer started...It said like partition,disk and stuff like that....anyone knows what this is upposed to be??? Supposely something to do with reformatting??
this will most probably be the system disks you got with your psp, you usually get two and there usually on a partition of your HD you should be able to run the from there or create a disk of them anyway
I always use the Windows XP pro disc when I flatten/format. JasonSeo, why do you wish to re-format? You need an XP disc & a serial number. You questions are rather ambiguous to say the least. To be honest I am not really sure what you are trying to do & why! It seems that you are not sure either, that's how it comes across. To flatten your PC is quite a job for a computer novice, I am assuming that you are a novice? Who told you to press F10 to format? See the confusion?
ahh yes i c u want to noe y i want to reformat. My harddrive space has lessened quite a bit.Also,my frend told me to press f10=D.To add to that i do not noe much where my disc is.. im a little disorganized. I am not at the least sure about what to do without the disc, you c.