I'm looking for a new pmp i've got a PSP and an ipod mini (4gb) but my ipod as well as my psp simply don't have enough storage. I also don't want to spend the time to play to play black and white movies on my ipod mini (which is possible). I've been looking at the Archos AV500 and the Cowon iAudio A2 ( http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0...2902-5419156?_encoding=UTF8&v=glance&n=172282 ; http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0...s_1/104-8772902-5419156?ie=UTF8&s=electronics ). I'm very attracted to the line-in video recording, so unless another completely sweeps me off my feet I won't take anything less. How large and which format are line-in files stored as and are they accesible (for removing and viewing on your computer)? = Cowon iAudio A2 =Archos AV500 I like the large storage of the AV500 but it lacks a PVR Programming function for TV, which comes with the Cowon 1Audio A2. Is there any in between fix which has shares an in between price as money is a concern as I'm only fourteen, but I can fork up the cash, as I got a well-paying summer-job. Do any other PMPs have a PVR function (I guess that goes hand-in-hand with the line-in video recording)? From what I gather the Cowon iAudio A2 has a greater library of compatible formats If anyone has experienced either or any similar products please inform me. P.S. Since the Cowon and I think Archos have a USB host feature could I potentially connect it to the PSP and copy movies or sumthing of that natue? P.S.S. This ain't restricted to jus helping me out, so if you feel like saying something I don't give a shit.
Have u looked at the Creative Vision? http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0...s_2/104-8159423-8963117?ie=UTF8&s=electronics
to me the cowon is pretty ordinary. it gives a blending in look while the vision av500 throw in some interesting design.
Ya. I agree with that but the video recording is pretty much a must. Although if someone could tell me how to get the recordings off my pvr which is a Scientific Atlanta 8300, it would make it a bit of a better buy. I know what your saying about the look because I do agree that the cowon looks quite homely but it does take home the functions department as far as I can see.
sorry, i forgot bout this thread. i would go with the a2 bcos it has the best features. the creative doesn't have line-in recording. ARCHOS=first video recorder, then video player COWON=first video player, then video recorder
THX 4 all the help. I think instead, I'll do as previously suggestedand get a larger PSP 4 gb datel hdd and a external hdd ( for recording from the PVR. It will save a lot of money I think the total cost is like $200 some from what I saw. Iy seems like a nice hybrid for now. THX PPL
Well I have a PSP and a 1 gb and I was contemplating getting the A@ or the archos. However, I've found out that it's less than $100 to buy a 4gb datel hdd for the psp on ebay. A hdd wouldn't be able to line-in record but a external hdd could be used as a secondary storage for my PVR and convertable onto the psp. A fairly large external HDD is also moderately inexpensive so I'm now concidering that option. (You'd have to already own a PSP for it to cost what I [bold]estimated[/bold] it would)
alright, thanks for the info. i cant decide what i should get, and im not sure if 4 gb is enough for me. i was thinking either th a2, zen vision m, or PSP.
You might want to check out some of the others that are on the Cowon site. If your already own a PSP get the iAudio X5 because you can use it to play movies on your PSP as sort of an alternative memory stick. http://www.cowonamerica.com/products/iaudio/x5/ They have Creative Vision M's on display at the Future Shops here in Toronto. I guess you might wanna check that out.
well it would only be used for file transfer, right? so i would have to have equal storage capactiy on the memory card to transfer a video?
I was just recalling an article I read http://www.engadget.com/2005/05/28/turn-your-psp-into-a-20-gig-pmp/ ,so yes I guess your right. Only by a PSP if you want to use it as a Game Console first, PMP second. Gaming is definately it's forte, to accessorize it into the equilavent of that cowon or archos or creative or any of the listed or unlisted above material. Is outright expensive and not a very good investment.
hmm..im in a pvp dilemma. there are so many possibilities, but the problem is that i cant decide if i really need to watch video portably. i dont have a long commute and if i were in the house i would just watch tv. wifi is a plus, but then again, u dont really find many hotspots in ohio. here are the choices: palm lifedrive, plenty of storage creativve zen vision m toshiba gigabeat s cowon a2 psp?--not really going to use this as a gaming system, but one day maybe my main feature set--screen size+portability combo, price, size
I can't really help you out much but I'd check out reviews, but don't base your decision on those too much. http://reviews.cnet.com/2001-1_7-0.html?tag=hd_ts they have a lot of reviews.
yea i've looked over those plenty. i basically need to decide what im going to do with whatever i get.
haha, looking forward to it. the yanks have well-managed half their line-up on the disbaled list i have it down to the lifedrive and vision m