Hello to all! My problem is that when I try to make a back-up of Poseidon I get an Error Message. I use dvdfab decrypter version and then use DVD Shrink then try to burn it with DVD Decrypter. But when decrypter starts its burn I get an error that says "Device IO control (FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME) Failed! Device [1:1:0]_NECDVD_RWND-1300A 1.07 (K (ATA) unable to lock volume for exclusive access. Reason: Access Denied." This Error also happened on Lucky # Slevin. Everything has always worked fine before until I updated dvdfab decrypter to the latest version. Any ideas on whats going on here and why. Thanks
I used the same combination and had no problem burning disc updated version of dvd fab + dvd shrink + img burn as it has just been updated. I always burn the main movie and delete all un needed audio streams.