
Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by Buu_Miw, May 3, 2006.

  1. Buu_Miw

    Buu_Miw Member

    May 1, 2006
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    is it possible for you to use a modded version of the origional maps of halo 2 on xbox live with the cd saved on to your drive. (question asked for everyone that wants to do this, but cd drive wont read burned cd's)

    I Think i have found a solution.

    What if you were to replace your cd drive with a new hard drive with only the files a dvd drive would have, and also the halo files.
    Would that work on xbl!? If the xbox reads it as a disk, of course it will!

    Somebody please try this out and tell me if it works.

  2. theridges

    theridges Guest

    no it wont work....

    OV3RLORD Member

    Apr 27, 2006
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    Yes that's true. But I have an idea but I don't know if it will work or not but I'm going to share it with you anyway. You might be able to with a Dual Boot Xbox save Halo 2 to your computer, mod the maps, and make another Halo 2 by burning the new Halo 2 game to a DVD-R or DVD-RW. I doubt this is possible considering I believe there is a certain coding on the Halo 2 game disk. But if someone could figure out how to make the coding match the original Halo 2 then this would be a nice alternative.

    PS. If this was possible I suggest DVD-RW so you only need one disk that you could use plenty of times!
  4. theridges

    theridges Guest

    if you sign onto live with any type of mods hard or soft you get banned automatically.....
  5. Buu_Miw

    Buu_Miw Member

    May 1, 2006
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    Lol, i dont care, im already banned (2 accounts lol), and they check your maps to see if they are origional, not if you have a softmod on... retard...

    if you have any opinions about why it will or will not work, please state them here, a simple "yes" or "no" will not suffice.

    OV3RLORD Member

    Apr 27, 2006
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    You don't get banned imediately! You have at least 6 hours unless you turn your Xbox off then when you turn it back on your banned. But from my knowledge I don't know if they would check to see if your maps on the disk were modded so if it was possible it should work!
  7. theridges

    theridges Guest

    that is false....if you are normally softmodded and sign onto live modded maps or not you will get banned why do you think they came out with the dual-boot option will you please stop posting wrong info..this is like the 3rd thread in a row..

    OV3RLORD Member

    Apr 27, 2006
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    It ain't wrong! I'm on Live right now and my xbox is modded! But you only get banned for modded content like modded Halo 2 maps! You can't tell me I'm always wrong if I am on Xbox Live and not banned!
  9. theridges

    theridges Guest

    you so ignorant im not even going to say anything.....
  10. OV3RLORD

    OV3RLORD Member

    Apr 27, 2006
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    Well your kinda right if you are talking about installing new dashboards because you probably get banned for that but that is why they change your IP address to manual instead of automatic so you can't get on Xbox Live. Sorry I got a little carried away!
    Last edited: May 6, 2006
  11. Buu_Miw

    Buu_Miw Member

    May 1, 2006
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    uugh... im asking a question, and so far, there has only been 1 answer out of 10 posts... and it was not even explained.

    All i want to know is if you can trick the xbox with an extra hard drive in place of your cd drive, and if it will read it as a cd with the info on it, and you could be able to write to it easily.

  12. OV3RLORD

    OV3RLORD Member

    Apr 27, 2006
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    I don't believe it would work but maybe someone else knows for sure!
  13. DaNewGuyY

    DaNewGuyY Guest

    i had an account, logged onto xbox live in halo 2 with all the nine downloadable maps modded. and i played custom games for a few hours and did not go onto the matchmaking. i went back the next day with the same account with no mods on and it allowed me on matchmaking.
  14. Skippydzg

    Skippydzg Member

    Apr 13, 2006
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    Okay! Answering the question.


    Replacing the DVD drive in an Xbox with a Hard drive will not work. For a few reasons.

    One, the default Xbox hard drive is some crazy FATX or something, while the DVD drive uses a more normal file structure.

    Two, the Xbox firmware does a check to make sure that the Xbox has one DVD drive and at least one hard drive plugged into it when it boots up, if not it gives an error.

    Three, there is a cord in the Xbox connecting the tray open button to the DVD drive to the motherboard. This is a mysterious cord, but it HAS to be plugged into a DVD drive in order to start the Xbox. for some reason, the Xbox doesn't even begin to read anything on a disc when this is not plugged into the DVD drive. On another note, this is a unique cord that only goes into Xbox DVD drives.

    So conceptually your idea would work, but it can't for a few reasons. Another thing is that XBL checks for Microsoft signature on games, which NO program can reproduce. Even putting a game straight from a DVD to your hard drive does not take this signature...hence, why you NEED a softmod to play copied games. No signature. No signature, no XBL gaming, get it?

    And yes, you CAN get booted off of XBL with a softmod. Which is why dual boot is around. You can get on XBL with certain softmods for a certain amount of time, but inevitably they will see that your hard drive is somehow awkwardly rearranged from the way they sent it to you, and perhaps for some reason you are using an F drive, and they will EEP ban you.

    Hope that answers everything. For you ridiculous forum hijackers, get a life and do some reading before posting such ridiculous claims. Geez. Noobs.
  15. Buu_Miw

    Buu_Miw Member

    May 1, 2006
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    Thank you, you have been very helpful.

    And btw, my xbox will turn on without a dvd drive AND a hard drive...

    Dont ask me how...
  16. cearel

    cearel Guest

    big wast of y time to read this lol
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2006
  17. michayze

    michayze Guest

    if u want to add the xtra hard drive just add an extra connection. just splice the power wires and add connector to the ide cable. As for starting your xbox without a hard drive that is impossible the xbox mother board contains only the information to direct it to the ms dashboard or any other dash u may have added. the files are in no way in the motherboard. u might be able to trick the xbox by leaving the "cord" connected to the dvd drive and just taking the ide cable to connect it to your new hard drive. I still don't know how you'd power it without splicing the power connection on the hdd. Although, the so called "cord" is a usb cord with ten wres that are yellow or brown. you maybe could figure something out from there. But, at the same time you state ur bxx starts without a dvd or hard drive then ur FOS and probably couldn't figure that out anyway.

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