My power supply has recently decided to start going out on me so I've been looking for a replacement. I've been having problems deciding on a good one to power my system. Please send me any recommendations or links, thanks. I want to spend less than $100. System: Athlon xp 2600+ 1gb corsair ram radeon 9800 pro (2) WD 80gb hdd (1) maxtor 200gb sata (2) dvd roms audigy 2 6 fans and lights
That's what I have been looking at lately. I saw some Thermaltake 480w's as well as a few Antecs. Are the Ultra X-connects any good? How about the Rosewill ones?
all I could tell ya is I have a Antecs 550 watt I got for I think around 70 or 80 dollars, and its worked great for me.
Antec's... I have two 1 year old cases with the silent 380watt PSU's, both purchased a week apart from different vendors and both are going. Not a happy camper with Antec right now.