stjowa Suspended permanently 12. December 2004 @ 13:35 /Quote/I don't know if this is the right forum for this or not, but it looked better than anything else. My question is: What is the best way, quality and ability, to convert a power point presentation to DVD(able to be viewed on a TV through a DVD player)? The presentation would include the slides with corresponding audio. I have heard to use Camtasia to capture the presentation, but that wouldn't give you great quality. There has to be some way or some application that will convert the presentation, including audio, into a DVD format able to burn and view on a tv set. Any and all replies are greatly appreciated, -Stephen /Quotes/ Here's a recently released app that converts ppt to dvd... try this!
The best program I have used for this is PPT2DVD, it will convert you presentation to DVD Compliant files. You can then use DVD Shrink to compress these files if they are over the 4.3g DVD size, or if they are under you can just burn them with a program like Nero if you have it. Or if you do not have a burning program you can use the free ImgBurn to do this but you must convert the files through Shrink to iso, as ImgBurn will only do iso files. There is no need for any capture card to do this PP2DVD does it all. There is a free working trial of the program, however you will get a watermark in your output. There are only a few conversion programs for PPT to DVD that I know of and all of them are pay. Get Shrink here ImgBurn here I will ask that your other thread be closed, as multi-posting is against forum rules.
and i use a program Presentation to video converter ) it has an option to burn dvd just in a split second, supports most popular codecs, can create such formats as AVI, ASF, WMV, MPEG, VOB and MP4,allows to make sound-effects and you can control the converting for it