I know this sounds like a similar thread BUT WAIT! There's more... I get an error: Adobe Premiere could not find any valid editing modes. Please reinstall Adobe Premiere Pro and start again. It was loading wave_warp.aex. I tried all the fixes related to Reverb6.dll; I got rid of all extra video and ausio codecs; uninstalled then reinstalled in safe mode... nothing works. Adobe couldn't be any less help. Any ideas PLEASE? I paid $700 and can't even get tech support on this.
Ok thanks for all of your help (not). But, should anyone find this forum, as I did, trying to solve this same problem, I'll save you the hours and hours and hours of research and Adobe "support" time because I finally got it to work. I installed all of the MS XP codecs for windows media player: MPSetupXP.exe WM9Codecs.exe wmv9VCMsetup.exe The third one seemed to give me the codecs I needed to make it work. Warning: I followed other posters' advice here and UNINSTALLED codecs which is the opposite of the advice thjat worked for me (except that nimo pack that seems to be incompatible with everything). Sorry noone chose to try to help me and I won't be back.