I have a big problem setting my Lexmark 6200 printer to print good size of DVD covers. The covers are coming out always a little smaller then they should. Since I had it set up correctly before I know that there’s a way to do it, I just can’t find how and where. The covers are from site covers.cc. Your help would be great. Thanx everyone.
what you will have to do is go into whatever program you use to print it (if u just use a web browser, the same rules apply) go into your print options (for web browsers it will be in File/Print...) then select the printer you are using and click on "Preferances", in that you will be able to pick pre made sizes or even do your own (for DVD Cover, i suggest measuring it yourself and customizing it) There, that should do it
@Sierra76, If all you want to do is print disc covers then try usingthis handy free prog. UndercoverXP, It works for me when I print my DVD back ups or cds on my lexmark z33 printer. You can google it or find it here http://fileforum.betanews.com/detail/1031053498/1 Hope this helps.
hey man! if u have nero just use nero cover designer its prints perfect size for a large range of media cases
btw pyffy i checked out UnderCoverXP its its a nice and simple little program, but i would still recommend nero cover disegner its lets u do way more and better.
Hi Yamumma, I have nero to and it is the bees knees, It's just I am a lazy so and so, having had UndercoverXP longer its just so damn convenient and easy to click that shortcut....old habits die hard.
I am all for new developments in software, it keeps people in work, but unless there is some great new features I just must have I still use my old faithfulls time after time. UndercoverXP 1.06 fits all my needs, dvd covers, cd covers and labels, plus there is that great picture of the anime babe to look at while I'm working on the covers hee hee ;-)
Sierra76 In covers cc it says to "save as" to save the file to hard drive and not copy and paste the image. Then open image and print should be correct size.