Does anyone know a way of doing the following? I want to print off my list of albums i have stored on a Hard Drive but in a way it gives me the following Band Album Title File Type Size Time Bruce Springsteen Born In The U.S.A MP3 77MB 52.00 U2 Boy MP3 66MB 44.00 Also with the option to print off all sub files in side the Folder with the same information As in Track file type size time Is this possible tried a few different things but nothing that give me what i want
You are very picky. I bet the sub files are not part of any application so the report would have to be completely custom made for you. How will the the report even know you put extra files in the folder? It isn't going to be in any database. How good are you at VB? Try the Media Monkey scripting forum. That would get you as close to what you want without programming and the scripters might help you modify a report that is close to your dream report but you will have to do that yourself. It will be involved because some of your information is not in any audio manager like file size. That is fairly irrelevant you will need to estimate that by BR * time unless your report routine does a directory call. The extra files will be much harder to do.