Pro Tools final mix advice

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Glenbo, Aug 13, 2003.

  1. Glenbo

    Glenbo Member

    Aug 13, 2003
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    i have a home PC set up with a Pro Tools DIGI 001 system and i have been doing post production on a small independant film and may have some problems with the quality of my final mixes when bouncing to disk

    My problem seems to be that when given to my editor who is using Premier my mixes sound slightly muted whereas in Pro Tools they sound strong and are hitting high on the meters

    Any compatibility problems between Premier and Pro Tools?

    What type of audio file is best/strongest to use? i have been using AIFF's
    the composer on the project has been using WAV's, could a mixing of these file types cause any problems?

    Could an error in starting up a new Pro Tools session for example setting the bit depth at 24bit instead of the intended 16bit cause any problems?

    Also could i be missing anything important out of my mixing/bouncing process? dithering??

    any help greatly appreciated

  2. tashi

    tashi Guest

    gday , my personal opinion is the bit depth of 24 , i would try 16 and then see how that goes in premier , i had a similar problem ages ago, that long ago actually i cant remember but it was to do with playing 24 bit under a pinnacle program i think !!!!

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