I've "successfully" backed up two of the three discs using DVDFab Decryptor and DVD Shrink, but my computer and standalone DVD player says there is no disc in the drive. I'd greatly appreciate if someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong, or if it's an impossible task.
now which disk are you talking about? the burner not recognizing the blank disk or the drive that can't read the Movie disk? or is it the burned DVD copy that isn't being recognized? I'm sooooooo confused!
I'm sorry. That was my first post. It is the burned disc that is not being recognized. I've watched many of my backed up DVDs on my standalone player and on my computer using PowerDVD, so I don't understand why it can't recognize Boondocks. Programs said it ripped to my hard drive and burned successfully.
there are plenty of reasons why certain dvds won't play in other players: 1. burning speeds: burn at 4x so there will be less writing errors (rule of thumb is to burn at half the rated speed of the disk--8X disk burn at 4x). 2. read manual for your stand alone player and use the disks that will play in your player. If your player is less than 2 yrs old then it should play the + or - R disks! I said SHOULD that's why you read the manual. 3. try booktyping your drive to DVd-ROM so it will make your +R disks more compatible to players. Read this: http://k-probe.com/bitsetting-booktype-faq.php 4. make sure that there are no finger prints or scratches on your disk that make it hard for the player to read the disk! 5. use good quality media (rule of thumb....buy the ones that are Made in Japan.) Verbatim is a top notch disk and is the only exception to this rule....some Verbatims are made in Taiwan and they are top notch! 6. and don't burn too close to the outer edge of the disk ..... which will make the disk unreadable! but using good media you will be able to burn close to the edge better than lesser quality media. Just in case I only burn no closer than 4400MB, so if you can set your programs to that, all the better! follow these little tips of the trade and you'll have better success! good luck. also read this: http://www.cdfreaks.com/print/article/113 why the +R media is better than the -R media
still no luck. any other suggestions as to how to back this up? could this be an hd dvd or something?
you have a way with explaining yourself! Are you counting words or something..... can you tell me what you did? did you use better media? did you burn your media slower to 4x? did you booktype your drive to DVD-ROM? did you even read what I said in my other post to your reply? Please, when responding please give more information than just, [bold]"still no luck"[/bold] I'm trying to help you out but I am not a mind reader. sorry.
adrienneh, how did you get to back up? I can't get the discs to load in my PC. When I open DVDFab Decryptor, the program freezes then comes up with this error: Get DVD Information Fail. 4096 I tried using Shrink but it just blows up and I have to go through the task manager to shut it down. Any ideas on how to get past this block? It's a Sony DVD, so that may be the issue.
@ adrienneh, after u rip the movie to ur HDD run it thru Vobblanker before u use shrink. heres where u can get it http://jsoto.posunplugged.com/vobblanker.htm here is a guide http://www.dvdr-digest.com/articles/article_vobblanker_page1.html also what program r u using 2 burn with? Try better media like Ihoe said. @ jwa1ewa, make sure u have latest version of DVDFab 2981 http://www.dvdidle.com/free.htm also if it is a sony movie, i would advise to use vobblanker before u use shrink.
300bowler, Yeah, I have that version of DVDFab Decryptor. And I get that error. As I said in another thread, the DVD is put into the drive, it sits for a while then starts spinning. Then it boots up to play it. When using the program to open the disc, it pauses for a long while then it reads the error: Get DVD Information Fail. 4096 Then the program freezes and has to be shut down via the Task Manager. It can't be a bad DVD because the other Boondocks do the same thing. So what are your suggestions to getting the DVD to even read properly? I use PowerDVD as my player.
@ jwa1ewa, that error that u r geting is because DVDFab cant read one of the IFO files on the disk, Have u tried cleaning the disk then ripping? U can also try ripping with Good ol' dvd decrypter 3450 and see if that works. also does it play in ur standalone dvd player? also is PowerDVD not able 2 play it too?
You got anydvd ? try that and then shrink re-author it, drop and drag the main movie only just the first one in the list you don't need any of the outher ones angle 2 etc. and set shrink to ISO and burn with Decrypter set decryrter to burn at 4x start from there you can tweak it from there
@ 300bowler, The Boondocks disks are brand new with no visible flaws. When I place them in my computer DVD Drive, it stalls out and maybe, just maybe pop up, starting to play, but a majority of the time, it just sits and does nothing. I haven't tried a standalone player, I'll give it a try but I think because it's Sony, they've encrypted the disks so they won't play in computer drives. Similar to that virus crap they were putting on CDs a little while ago.
I'll repeat do you have ANYDVD software if not it's a shareware you can try it should work just fine it runs in the background on your PC so your PC wont read the blocks try it you'll see