I have finally mastered copying a DVD movie onto a disc. But I bought Memorex DVD+R 16X. When I go to burn the copied movie, I get a message from Nero that it is not a writable disc. A friend of mine copied a DVD+R disc on my computer, so I know it should work. What am I doing wrong?
This site (and of course Afterdawn) are the best places to learn how to burn a DVD. http://home.comcast.net/~bbmayo/index.html Plus dump the Memorex discs. Use TY, Verbatim or Maxell made in Japan discs. You can also check out the guides on this site as well. All the credit for the guides there should go to Alkohol (this site's authour). http://my.afterdawn.com/alkohol/ Good luck and happy burning...
That is a definite possibility. Memorex are not the best and the error you are getting is indicating that as well.
here is a media guide: http://www.digitalfaq.com/media/dvdmedia.htm use DVDInfo Pro, Nero InfoTool, DVDIndetifier to find out the manufacturers ID and see where it lists. Memorex is CMC MAGS and is noted in this forum as crappy media that causes many problems... such the nick name Memosux media! AlBundy is correct about the media call.
you are soooo right. I downloaded DVD identifier and found out that the Memorex discs I have are 3rd class and have a 50-80% success rate. Who would've thunk it? So, for all you newbies out there, this is a very good lessen. Listen to these guys who tell you what brand of software to get.
nero should still read the blank disc ,what verison of nero are you using. maybe you need to update nero and or the firmware on your drive
It's Nero Express6. Also, I tried to put Polar Express in my driver and the driver won't read the DVD. It's like it's not there. Is that a new form of protection?
@AlBundy........ Alkohol may be the author of the guides, but dRD is the author of this site. Just so you know.......... You can ask the mods. Not talking junk. I just think dRD should get his rightful credit, for writing such a great program and site. )
Hi, What DVD drive do you have, because as far as I am informed, there is no such protection on any DVD's that disallow it from working inside any DVD Drive. Are you sure your drive is DVD, or only CD. Maybe your DVD drive is not operating, because even if Memorex is a bad brand, NERO, as mentioned above, should recognize it as a blank disc (even though it would have problem burning it). What drive do you currently use, and is this the first time you have experienced the problem, or is this your first time ever burning something? Change media recently? Regards, DiRect
Depending on which version of Nero 6 you're using. You may want to think about upgrading that as well. Def get rid of the Memorex media.
I'm sorry, I don't know what brand my drive is. Polor Express is the only DVD that it won't read. All the other DVD's work. And the movie works in a regular DVD player, so I don't think it's the DVD itself.