I know how I'm suppose dot burn them and everything (learned from this site) but I cna't seem to fit any of them onto a disk for some reason. I have a movie that's 698mb, and 138 minutes. Following every single guide I've read so far I can't even come close to fitting this movie onto a disk. I'm really new to this whole world of movie making and burning so I probably sound dumb. It just seems that there has to be a way to fit this movie on there and have it be watchable in my dvd player. Maybe I missed something but this is really makes no sense to me.
What software are you using to try and burn. We need a little more info to help you out. And welcome to the club.
Oops, yea i didn't include much info there. It's a supertroppers avi (yes I own the movie). Anyway thus far I've tried all sorts of stuff. Tmpg plus cause the tutorial recommended it, tried with Nero jsut for the heck of it. I'm sort of lost at this point. Not a huge deal though becaus elike I said I already have the movie and was just doing this for the learning experience really.