I just bought a LG multi dvd writer and installed it, everything seems to be all in order. My problem is when I try to make a copy it won't work. When I open up nero it dosen't reconize my dvd drive, so I can't use nero....tried uninstalling and reinstalling, but still no luck. Then I tried the program they gave me and an error comes up at the end of the burning process. I have the dvd/wr set as slave and my 2 yr old cd/rw at master. Any help would be greatly appricatied as I have been getting waaaaay to frustrated here. thanks in advance.
Think that will make the difference? you would think it would still work this way as they tell you, you can set it up that way in the manual. I get a problem too when I try to unistall nero and reinstall it. Any other programs that you would recommend for ps2 copies?
i think it might anyway they tell u to set up the DVD Writer as master where ive read a program for PS2 BACKUPS? yer sure gamesxcopy by 321studios alsohol 120% CloneCD a few or you could pop along to the PS2 forum mate ;D
Ok....set my dvd/wr as master and nero still dosen't reconize the drive. I have been trying to unistall nero and reinstall in hopes of it acknowledging the drive, but still nothing.....can't figure out why I can't choose DVD in the program....it only lets me choose cd format.....using nero 6. Any ideas anyone? Thanks
ask in here with your DVD-RW's Specifications http://forums.afterdawn.com/forum_view.cfm/77 it might help