hey guys, ive been using dvd lab pro to put together a bunch of mpeg1 files i have. i start off by splitting the mpg into mpv and mpa files, and then i am told i need to transcode the mpa file to 48khz. i do this, but the resultant file is only ~150k in size (as opposed to the original 35mb file). for some reason the in-built tool doesnt work properly (maybe i am using it wrongly?) Anyway, can anyone suggest a simple way of converting this mpa audio file (44.1khz) into a 48khz file? i have tried converting it to wav, but the resultant file is way too large (about 200mb). Can anyone identify why dvd lab pro is producing tiny audio files? has something gone wrong, or is there something else i need to do? Any help would be hugely appreciated!
With Nandub put the original audio out, and convert it to mp3 48 KHz with Winamp, then put the new audio back to the film. I have never do this, coz i never have such a problem, but if i had i would do like i sad. good luck!