When installing Nero Express the installation process is almost finished when an error appears reading: Internal error Custom Action DLL crashed on last call in function 'NeroAG_RegisterComEx'. The installer must now exit. Crash Thread ID 3100 Current Thread ID 3256 I've tried everything the Nero website support suggests and I've tried to contact them twice with no response. Can anyone help ?!
falker5, Are you using the installation disc, or did you download this off their website? It would also help if you can tell as what your operating system is as inquired by cyprusrom.
I purchased an LG external DVD burner that came with a disk containing "all the software I need", which includes Nero Express. When I attempt to install Nero it says that it is installing Nero 7 Essentials. All the software installs no problem, but when Nero appears to be 99% installed it gives me the above error. I have noticed that each time the 'Crash Thread ID #' & 'Current Thread ID#' are different than the last time. I am trying to install it to Windows XP Professional
Download and run Nero 7 Clean Tool. Keep your serial key close by. Now, download and install this version instead.
I've done that in the past, and just tried it again with the same result. When I got to the prompt for the serial # it already had my serial # entered in, even though I ran the nero general clean tool. Again the Crash Thread ID # and Current Thread ID # were different #'s than the past.
I looked around, dug up on the net and didn't find much. Some peole were getting the same error like you trying to uninstall!! Nero!! Just in one case the problem seemed to diminish by uninstalling K-Lite codec pack. Do you ave Directx 9.0c installed?
Not sure if this helps anything, but when I first had the problem I tried to uninstall Nero (rather than using nero general clean tool) and the program wouldn't uninstall and would have the same error, except for this one difference: Internal Error Custom Action DLL crashed on last call in fucntion 'NeroAG_UnRegisterComEx' (rather than NeroAG_RegisterComEx)
I do have Directx 9.0 installed. I'm not sure I had it installed the first time I had this problem though. But if you think uninstalling it might fix this shit I'll give it a try, its driving me crazy !!
Take a look at this following thread,it looks like some Directx missing dll files could be the cause. They suggest to use a tool like ProcMon to see what files might be missing during installation: http://www.appdeploy.com/messageboards/tm.asp?m=29305&mpage=1璚 http://www.microsoft.com/technet/sysinternals/processesandthreads/processmonitor.mspx
well I downloaded the most recent DirectX 9.0c, which did add a few files, but then had the same problem trying to install Nero. I downloaded Procmon but haven't had time to figure out what to do with it. I'm gonna work on this crap again tomorrow after work, thanks so much for your help so far.
I was looking at that ProcMon myself...nevr used one, and can't help you with that either. Good luck. Let us know if having any success.
I think that the installation disk might be corrupt because of which you are receiving such error message either you ask your vendor to provide you with a different disk or you can download any of the free software from the internet for time being.
falker5, Try running the clean tool twice, restart your PC, and then use the disc to install. I suspect you have fragments of Nero creeping around the registry caused by the initial uninstallation.
well, just an update: I have double and triple cleaned nero using the clean tool prior to using the disc and again from the website to install nero and again and again recieve these errors. today I FINALLY got a response from nero's support from the message I sent them on Dec. 28, and all they told me was what I have already learned from their website and you guys. the next step is to take screenshots to send to them, but then i'll be waiting until Mar. 1 for a response ... SOOOO at this point I'm desperate. Are there any other burning programs you guys might suggest? Or any other ideas to get past these nero errors? Does this seem like an error that would occur if I buy Nero 8 ? Thanks again for all of you help, really appreciate it.
You can use for burning ImgBurn,onr of the best, and instead of nero Vision, for conversion , you can use DVD Flick.