Having problems with my dvd burner NEC DVD ND-3504A it wont recognise blank cd's or music discs or disc that i have burned on this dvd Burner it regcognises dvd disc right away but nothing for blank cd's i am not sure since when i have had this problem so not sure about system restore. I have downloaded a Nec Drive firmware flash utility but i get an error Target Nec ND 3540A is not found correctly. any ideas please? Thank You
Download and run this program, it will give you loads of information about your setup...we are interested in ASPI right now. http://www.afterdawn.com/software/cdr_software/cdr_tools/nero_info_tool.cfm
i have installed the ASPI latest Drivers it says ASPI INTALLED AND WORKING CORRECTLY but it still wont read the Blank Cd's any other ideas just now? Thank you.
Do you have the right firmware..or is your first post re 3504...3540 a typo? The 3540 shouldn't need a firmware update except for possibly +rw disks.
am not sure if i do or not lol just someone suggested that they had the same problem and updated there firmware and that solved there problem something is up because now my top drive wont read blank cd's now just confused at the moment