I am using DVD Shrink vsn 3.2. in the REAUTHOR mode i am attempting to place two movies whose total space is well over 6 mb. I do understand that quality will be lost if I compress both titles so that they total not more than 4.4 mb. My question is, however, do I cause the compression to reduce the size of each title so that both titles will appear on a single disk?. I have changed the COMPRESSION mode from AUTOMATIC to CUSTOM RATIO & changed the number is the percent box to 50 % and pressed the return key, but nothing happens. I also move the slider to the right and that increases the % number, but the red bar at the top increases, showing a higher number. Quite obviously I am doing something wrong, but what is it? best, Aaron
Hello. The size after compression has to remain the Green area. I would leave it on automatic. Sometimes you have to Shrink more than once to get downto DVD5 size. Nothing will happen until you click the Backup! button and it will take quite a while after that before the compression process completes. Guide: http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/multiple_dvd_to_dvdr_dvd_shrink.cfm